I attended "100km Ultra Marathon" last Sunday.
It was first time for me and Fortunately I finished it.
It took 13 hours 36 minutes.
It was one of my dream that I could run 100km ultra marathon.
Start was 4:30am. I got up 2:45am and had a breakfast 3:00am.
Limited time was 14 hours, so I may run until 6:30pm.
This marathon course was mountain side. So most of road was up and down.
My running pace was much slow than usual marathon, so my condition was good until 50km.
It was first time for me and Fortunately I finished it.
It took 13 hours 36 minutes.
It was one of my dream that I could run 100km ultra marathon.
Start was 4:30am. I got up 2:45am and had a breakfast 3:00am.
Limited time was 14 hours, so I may run until 6:30pm.
This marathon course was mountain side. So most of road was up and down.
My running pace was much slow than usual marathon, so my condition was good until 50km.
There were big mountain after 60km. 15km was up road, so I walked.
My pace was down after 60km and I lost my energy.
Last 20km was really hard.
I stopped most of aid station and took sports drink, salt, fruits, food, so I could run again.
Finish was really something.
However I can not think about next race so far...
My pace was down after 60km and I lost my energy.
Last 20km was really hard.
I stopped most of aid station and took sports drink, salt, fruits, food, so I could run again.
Finish was really something.
However I can not think about next race so far...
Thank you for your comment.
100km marathon is getting popular in Japan.
About 1000 poeple run this race.
Fast walk is good enough.
Actually I walk many part of this race.
I think "Fun" is most important thing for running.