It sounds good for Japan, however it is bad thing for Japanese exporter like us.
We don't raise price of our product, however automatically price of our product is going up for our customers.
We couldn't do anything and it's beyond our control.
Actually Japanese economy is not strong as money investor to think.
Consumer mind in Japan has been week.
So we just wait until exchange rate would be back to normal.
You are now famous in Malaysia;)
Thank you for your comments.
Am I famous in Malaysia?
Thank you for mention about my name in your intaview.
I would like to write English blog mor often, however expot business has been quiet since Yen become strong last October.
But I keep writing.
We are selling finished pearl jewelry and accessory for domestic market.
We give the priority for design.
We consider about satisfaction of consumer.
Pearl industry have been selling only "Pearl necklace" and consumers are not satisfied about it.
I think that's one of reason of pearl business has been going down.